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Posted by: Brown Staff (June 25, 2009, 11:22 AM)


Democrat’s national energy tax is a massive job-killer.  According to a National Black Chamber of Commerce study, the devastating plan will cost 2.5 million American jobs thanks to the higher energy costs it will force consumers, small businesses, and other employers to pay.  The impact will be felt from coast to coast – literally.  The following chart shows the projected job loss in every single region, with especially large job losses in areas of the country already hit hard by the recession:  


As the House prepares to vote on Speaker Pelosi’s national energy tax as soon as this Friday, are Democrats representing these regions of the country really prepared to vote for even more job loss?  Is that a message they want to bring home to middle-class families and small businesses in their districts heading into the Independence Day recess?

House Republicans don’t think so – and in an op-ed published in Tuesday’s Washington Examiner, House GOP Leader John Boehner (R-OH) highlighted the job-killing nature of Speaker Pelosi’s national energy taxes and House Republicans’ “all of the above” plan for more jobs, lower energy prices, and a cleaner environment.

All year long, Democrats have been promising more and more jobs, but nearly three million have been lost since January.  After a record spending binge on the trillion-dollar “stimulus,” the $400 billion omnibus loaded with 9,000 earmarks, a $3.6 trillion budget that spends, taxes, and borrows too much, and endless bailouts, American workers are asking, “Where are the jobs?”  If House Democrats get their way and pass Speaker Pelosi’s national energy tax, those jobs will be leaving America and headed to competitors like China and India, who won’t enact a national energy tax of their own.  During this time of economic crisis, is this really a policy Washington Democrats want to pursue?

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Budget Passes House and Senate with NO GOP Votes

Posted by: Brown Staff (April 03, 2009, 10:52 AM)

Last night the President's Budget passed the House and Senate with NO Republican votes in either chamber.
Read about my support of the alternative GOP budget plans that offered reasonable solutions for middle class families, focused directly on creating jobs, tax relief and empowering small businesses to survive and grow.

Posted in Defense, Economy, Energy, Environment and Wildlife, Health Care, Homeland Security, Retirement, Taxes | View Full Posting


Brown Continues to Stand Against Overeaching Democrat Spending

Posted by: Brown Staff (March 25, 2009, 02:01 PM)

Today, the House passed the Omnibus Lands Package, yet another far reaching Democrat bill, created by stacking more than 170 separate bills together into one 1,200 page, 10 billion dollar piece of legislation.

While the bill contained some worthwhile provisions, piling so many separate pieces of legislation into one bill, 100 of which have never been voted on in the House, unnecessarily creates extremely expensive and convoluted legislation.

One would think that recent experiences with TARP and the stimulus would have taught Congress that forcing such convoluted pieces of legislation through, without the necessary deliberations and revisions, may have large and negative consequences.

Democrats have passed up yet another opportunity to create effective legislation that could uphold our priorities and desires as Americans. My Republican colleagues and I continue to voice the opinion of the American people and look forward to sensible, straight forward legislation in the future.

Posted in Economy, Energy, Environment and Wildlife | View Full Posting


Poll Finds 72 Percent of South Carolinians in Favor of Offshore Oil and Gas Resources

Posted by: Brown Staff (March 05, 2009, 10:12 AM)

According to the March 5, 2009 Edition of the Charleston Business Journal:

Poll finds 72% of South Carolinians in favor of offshore oil and gas resources
Staff Report
Published March 4, 2009

A poll from Citizens for Sound Conservation finds that 72% of South Carolinians favor increased access to offshore oil and gas resources, compared with a recent national poll that found 61% of Americans in favor of offshore drilling.

Wilson Research Strategies polled 300 South Carolinians last month, and support for exploration was at least 65% on every income level, age bracket and racial breakdown. In addition, 57% viewed the recent decision to delay offshore exploration by six months as a stalling technique.

“South Carolina voters are clearly ahead of the curve on this issue. Thankfully, our state leaders seem to be listening,” organization board member Cathy Novinger said.

Citizens for Sound Conservation is nonprofit foundation formed by community leaders representing manufacturers, homebuilders, realtors, energy providers and maritime and port interests.

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Posted by: Brown Staff (February 12, 2009, 01:22 PM)

I was very discouraged this week after attended the first House Natural Resources Committee hearing in a series regarding development of the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). After making significant steps towards energy independence at the end of the 110th Congress, Democrats are encouraging retroactive steps against offshore exploration and the goal of finding solutions for America’s energy needs.This only further confirms my fear that the recently expired moratorium on off-shore drilling may, in fact, be reinstated by the majority, an action that will prevent the creation of thousands of desperately needed American jobs and keep our country dependent on the oil of foreign and often enemy nations.

Read more on the hearing proceedings and the possible consequences of not moving towards America's own energy independence.

Get more information on Congressman Brown’s efforts to enact solutions to our nation’s energy challenge.

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New Year Brings Higher VA Travel Reimbursement

Posted by: Henry E. Brown (December 30, 2008, 05:08 PM)

Good news! Beginning January 9th, any service-disabled or low income veteran who must travel to get health care at a VA hospital in the First District or any other VA facility across the nation will receive a larger reimbursement for their travel costs.

I have heard from many of my constituents that, with the ever fluctuating cost of gas, transportation to the necessary VA facilities can often be extremely expensive. It often was difficult for Horry County veterans to afford the cost of traveling to the Johnson VAMC in Charleston.  High energy costs and the proximity to a health care facility should not determine whether or not a veteran receives the necessary care. 

For this reason, I applaud a recent law that now enables the VA give more back to veterans for their mileage reimbursements. The VA will not only be able to keep $18/year per veteran for administrative expenses; previously the VA was keeping a maximum of $46.62 per year.

In addition to all service connected and low-income veterans now being eligible for reimbursement, other veterans traveling for Compensation and Pension examinations qualify for coverage of their travel costs as well. This change, combined with the November raise in the mileage reimbursement to 41.5 cents/mile, will now ensure that all veterans living in the First District, and across the nation, have access to the world-class health care provided by the VA.

Visit the Veterans' Casework page on my website to find VA facilities, find out information about VA health benefits, and apply for benefits.

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Interior Dept. Takes 1st Steps Towards More American Energy

Posted by: Henry E. Brown (November 16, 2008, 12:53 PM)

As a long-time supporter of an ‘all of the above’ energy solution, I believe that addressing our nation’s energy crisis is the first step in correcting our economic woes.

Just this week, the U.S. Department of Interior announced that it will begin the process of opening areas off the Virginia coast for exploration and production of American energy.  This is just the kind of step that must be taken to follow through on this fall’s historic lifting of the offshore drilling ban.  Even though energy prices have seen a recent reduction, this should not reduce the need to move our nation towards energy independence and financial stability.

By opening up more domestic energy sources off our coasts and on our soil, we can begin providing Americans more with American energy. In addition, we will keep billions of dollars here at home, instead of sending it to fill the treasuries of foreign nations.  These dollars can be used to create thousands of jobs for the American people and begin to rebuild our economy with the resulting infrastructure.

Our task now is to ensure that this victory is not short lived.  House Democratic leaders have already asserted that restoring the bans ‘will be a top priority for discussion next year.’ Liberal Democrats close to President-elect Obama have stated that they plan to urge the new President to use executive orders to reinstate these outdated energy bans.  House Republicans will do everything to prevent this.

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The October Employment Report - Righting the Ship

Posted by: Henry E. Brown (November 07, 2008, 07:02 PM)

As news broke that U.S. companies cut 240,000 jobs in October and unemployment has spiked to 6.5 percent, the highest since March 1994, I urge Congress that we must resist steps that would only deepen the economic pain felt by famlies and small businesses.

As a long-time supporter of an ‘all of the above’ energy solution, I believe that committing ourselves to addressing our nation’s energy crisis is a major step towards correcting our economic woes.

I was proud to have worked with my Republican colleagues to force the Democratic Congress to open the door to more American energy by allowing the outdated ban on energy production on the Outer Continental Shefl to expire.  By opening up domestic energy sources off our coasts and on our soil we can begin providing Americans with American energy. In addition, we will not only keep billions of dollars that we are currently paying, often, enemy nations for their resources, but we will be able to create thousands of jobs for the American people and begin rebuilding our economy with the resulting infrastructure.

While allowing the bans to expire was a significant first step, there are many Democrats in Congress who are already talking about renewing them once the 111th Congress comes into session.  Not only will I stand against those efforts, but I will work to ensure that those who want us to be dependent upon foreign sources of energy do not use the court system to block energy production with endless lawsits. 

Addressing our domestic energy deficit will result in the ultimate strengthening of our economy however, we must also ensure that we get to the root of our economic problems. 

Despite Democrat efforts to cover up the facts, hearings over the month of October showed that the failure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were at the root of the financial crisis.  I, along with my Republican colleagues in the House are demanding a complete review of these two institutions. The American people deserve the opportunity to do their own investigation into the decisions made by the executives at these two companies – decisions that have imperiled our nation’s economy.  Once we find that out, we need to fix what is broken in the system.

What we must resist are efforts by Congressional Democrats to use the economic challenges facing our nation to raise taxes.  Their tax increases would cost the average South Carolina taxpayer some $2,000, and would target married couples, small businesses,and seniors.  Instead, we need to enact tax relief that is focused on working families and small businesses.

Reducing our energy deficit, addressing our infrastructure challenges, attacking the root causes behind the crisis, and enacting tax relief are essential steps to return our economy to the path of prosperity and growth.

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Congressman Brown's Statement on Energy from the House Floor

Posted by: Brown Staff (September 16, 2008, 05:30 PM)

Congressman Brown took to the House Floor today to discuss our energy challenges and solutions.  You can view his statement by clicking the image below.


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More Facts about the Democrat Energy Bill

Posted by: Brown Staff (September 16, 2008, 05:05 PM)

The chart below, from the House Republican Conference, breaks down the Democrat energy bill, showing that it truly is a "no-energy energy bill."


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The Democrats' "energy" bill - "all of the above" or only "some of the above"?

Posted by: Henry E. Brown (September 12, 2008, 05:20 PM)

You have probably heard in recent days that Speaker Pelosi and the Democrat Majority plan to take up a so called “energy bill” on the House floor next week.  While no one outside of the Speaker’s Chambers in the Capitol has seen this energy bill, rumors about its contents have started to leak out in the press.  From those reports, this is what we have been able to understand about this bill – legislation that is designed solely to provide political cover in the upcoming election instead of providing a true “all of the above” approach to lower gas prices:
1.      The bill leaves out critical revenue-sharing with coastal states – meaning that while states like Louisiana and Texas receive federal royalty payments in return for permitting environmentally responsible energy production offshore, states like South Carolina would receive not a single red cent.  The more than $2 trillion that would be received in royalties from this energy production would go straight into the federal treasury, opening the door for big government spending without helping coastal states.  
2.      The Democrats’ “no energy” bill permanently locks up more than 1 trillion barrels of oil from oil shale in the Inter-Mountain West.
3.      The Democrats’ “no energy” bill permanently locks up more than 10 billion barrels of oil on Alaska’s remote North Slope – an area where energy production and wildlife have been safely coexisting for decades.
4.      The Democrats’ “no energy” bill blocks more nuclear power production – clean, efficient, and less costly production that nations such as France have been safely using for years while the United States continues to fall behind.  Companies in South Carolina are currently working diligently to get new nuclear power facilities permitted and under construction – will the Democrats’ bill stop those efforts cold?
5.      The Democrats’ “no energy” bill does nothing to construct new clean coal energy production facilities – facilities that are a win-win, with benefits both to consumers and for the environment.
6.      The Democrats’ “no energy” bill raises taxes – a new burden for overstressed consumers already paying high prices at the pump and preparing to pay higher home heating costs this winter.  High energy prices are already taxing families, businesses, and non-profits, while forcing local governments to cut some services. 
7.      The Democrats’ “no energy” bill permanently prevents federal agencies from using unconventional and alternative sources of fuel at exactly the time when Congress should be encouraging the use of these fuels.
8.      The Democrats’ “no energy” bill increases electricity costs on families, seniors, and small businesses by creating a new, heavy-handed electricity mandate.  This will have a direct impact on South Carolina energy users, and represents an old idea that failed during 2007.
9.      The Democrats’ “no energy” bill includes plans for exactly zero new refineries to be built on American soil.  Is this the way to show our competitors around the globe that we are finally serious about achieving energy independence?  Refinery construction is required to go through one of the most stringent permitting processes in the country, yet this legislation seems to not even open the door so such permitting can start.
10. The Democrats’ “no energy” bill defies the will of a solid majority of Americans who support the House GOP’s “all of the above” plan to increase American energy production, promote the use of alternative and renewable fuels, and encourage more conservation and efficiency.
Is this an “all of the above” energy policy?  I don’t think so – instead it is more of the same.  To find out about my solutions for our energy challenges, visit

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Trucking Association Brings Support to Brown-sponsored Energy Solutions

Posted by: Henry E. Brown (September 03, 2008, 01:51 PM)

As I have heard from so many of you regarding the impact of high energy costs, I have heard some of the most powerful stories from First District residents who drive a truck for a living.  Be it the independent operator who moves cargo in and out of the Port of Charleston or the trucker driver who works for one of the major firms hauling food to the hotels along the Grand Strand, American truckers are currently seeing the highest prolonged fuel prices in history.  It takes $1,400 to fill up the average 18-wheeler. 

Because of this, I was glad to see that the American Trucking Associations has endorsed bipartisan legislation that I and a number of my colleagues wrote and introduced in July.  H.R. 6709, the National Conservation, Environment, and Energy Independence Act, is bipartisan, balanced legislation that increases domestic production of energy and invests billions into renewable and alternative fuels, while providing incentives for the American people to conserve and use energy more wisely.  In announcing ATA’s support for the legislation, ATA First Vice Chairman Charles “Shorty” Whittington said “We need a comprehensive energy plan. The National Conservation, Environment, and Energy Independence Act is part of this comprehensive solution.”  You can read ATA’s full announcement online at their website.


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More on Friday's Floor Revolt & an Open Letter to Speaker Pelosi

Posted by: Brown Staff (August 04, 2008, 03:46 PM)

We have recieved many calls from folks across the 1st District responding to the efforts of Congressman Brown and the House Republicans this past Friday.  Here is some of what Congressman Brown had to say from the floor:  Today, in addition to keeping up the revolt on the floor, House Republicans are circulating an open letter to Speaker Pelosi outlining efforts to demand a vote on increasing American energy production. The letter is pasted below:

On Friday August 1, 2008, at 11:23 a.m., your Democrat majority in the House of Representatives adjourned the House for five full weeks.
House Republicans believe that Congress should not go on vacation until we take action to lower gas and energy prices for struggling American families.
For the last two months we and our House Republican colleagues have used every tool at our disposal to try and get you and your Democrat majority to vote on legislation to lower gas and energy prices by expanding environmentally sound domestic production of oil and natural gas, improving energy efficiency, and encouraging the development of alternative energy technologies.
Many of the proposals we have asked you and your Democrat majority to allow us to vote on are bipartisan proposals that we believe would enjoy the support of a majority of the Members of the Congress. Yet because you and your Democrat Leadership personally oppose these proposals, you are not allowing them to come up for a vote.  This past Sunday, you even told George Stephanopoulos that you will never allow this vote to occur (see transcript on the reverse).
In protest of you and your Democrat majority not allowing an up or down vote on producing more American energy, we and our House Republican colleagues were prepared to take to the floor on Friday, August 1, 2008, and speak to the nation. Rather than allowing that to happen you and your Democrat majority adjourned the House, turned off the television cameras, shut off the microphones and turned out the lights. Nearly 50 House Republicans remained on the floor of the House in defiance speaking to those citizens gathered in the galleries and to the media.
Today we have again returned to the Capitol to continue speaking to the thousands of Americans from all across our country who are visiting the Capitol. We would have preferred if instead we were joined by our colleagues to have a true debate on this issue that ended in an up or down vote. 
We think it is unconscionable that Congress has gone on vacation before we have addressed the high gas prices that are crippling our economy and hurting millions of families.  We are asking that you reconvene the House from your five-week vacation and schedule a vote on legislation to increase American energy production. Let us be clear, we are not asking for a guaranteed outcome, just the chance to vote.
Signed by: John Boehner, Republican Leader; Roy Blunt, Republican Whip; Adam Putnam, Republican Conference Chairman; Eric Cantor, Chief Deputy Whip; and Members of the House Republican Conference

STEPHANOPOULOS: … You've been getting a lot of heat on -- for not allowing a vote, a straight up-or-down vote on expanding drilling off the coasts of the United States. Why won't you permit a straight up- or-down vote?
PELOSI: … What these -- what our colleagues are talking about is something that won't have an effect for 10 years and it will be 2 cents at the time. If they want to present something as part of an energy package, we're talking about something. But to single shoot on something that won't work and mislead the American people as to thinking it's going to reduce the price at the pump, I'm just not going to be a party of it.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Except that it's not just Republicans calling for this. Members of your own caucus say we must have a vote. Congressman Jason Altmire, let me show our viewers right now, is saying there's going to be a vote. Here he says exactly, there's going to be a vote. September 30th will not come and go without a vote on opening the outer continental shelf. The message has been delivered. The issue can't be ignored any longer. He says he speaks for a lot of Democrats. He's talked to the leadership, and a vote must happen.
PELOSI: Well, maybe it will, as it's part of a larger energy package.

Instead we're saying, free the oil. Use it, don't lose it. There's 68 million acres in lower 48 and 10 or 20 million more acres in Alaska, where they're permitted, where they could drill anytime. This is a diversionary tactic from a failed energy policy.
STEPHANOPOULOS: But if you feel you have the better arguments, why not give a straight up-or-down vote for drilling?
PELOSI: Because the misrepresentation has been made that this is going to reduce the price at the pump. This is, again, a decoy, it's not a solution.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Well, if you're right, why not let it be debated out and have the vote?
PELOSI: We have a debate every single day on this subject. What you saw in the Congress this week was the war dance of the hand maidens of the oil companies. That's what you saw on the Republican side of the aisle.
Democrats and Republicans are not right down party lines on this issue. There are regional concerns, as well as some people concerned about what this means back home for them.
But we have a planet to save. We have an economy to grow. And we can do that if we keep our balance in all of this and not just say but for drilling in unprotected and these protected areas offshore, we would have lower gas prices. …
STEPHANOPOULOS: But why not allow votes on all that? When you came in as speaker, you promised in your commitment book, A New Direction for America, let me show our viewers, you said that bills should generally come to the floor under a procedure that allows open, full, fair debate, consisting of a full amendment process that grants the minority the right to offer its alternatives.
If they want to offer a drilling proposal, why can't they have a vote?
PELOSI: They'll have to use their imagination as to how they can get a vote, and they may get a vote. But I have tried, you know, we have serious policy issues in our country. The president of the United States has presented this but for this, our economy would be booming. But for this, gas would be cheaper at the pump.
It's simply not true. And even the president himself in his statement yesterday and before then has said there is no quick fix for this by drilling.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So you will not permit a vote. You may get beat, but you're not going to permit a vote on your own?
PELOSI: Well, again, we take this one step at a time. But why we're spending all this time on a parliamentary tactic when nothing less is at stake than the planet, the air we breathe, our children breathe? We have...

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Republican Leader Boehner: "We witnessed the power of American democracy in action."

Posted by: Brown Staff (August 01, 2008, 05:36 PM)

Below is a great release from Republican Leader John Boehner:

Boehner: House Republicans and the American People Stood Side by Side to Make History Together

Washington, Aug 1 - House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) issued the following statement on today’s historic revolt on the House floor by Republicans against Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) decision to leave town without a House vote on legislation to increase American-made energy and lower gas prices:

“The historic event that unfolded today on the floor of the People’s House was about more than gas prices.  We witnessed the power of American democracy in action.  Dozens of House Republicans joined hundreds of American citizens on the House floor to protest Speaker Pelosi’s decision to send Congress home for the rest of the summer without voting for more American-made energy and lower gas prices.

“Today, House Republicans and the American people stood side by side to make history together.  We sent a powerful message to Speaker Pelosi, Senators Reid and Obama, and other top Democrats that we will not rest until they allow a vote for more American energy and lower gas prices.  And we sent a powerful message that the passion to make our voices heard will never be extinguished by the heavy-handed actions of the out-of-touch Democratic Majority.  House Republicans and the American people showed today that we will stand united together on the most important issue facing our nation – and we will fight boldly until Congress finally heeds our will.”
NOTE:  Members participating in the spontaneous uprising included Reps. Brian Bilbray, Gus Bilirakis, Rob Bishop, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, John Boozman, Kevin Brady, Paul Broun, Henry Brown, Michael Burgess, John Campbell, Eric Cantor, Shelly Moore Capito, John Carter, Tom Cole, Mike Conaway, John Culberson, Charlie Dent, Mary Fallin, Jeff Fortenberry, Virginia Foxx, Louie Gohmert, Wally Herger, Pete Hoekstra, Duncan Hunter, Steve King, Dan Lungren, Don Manzullo, Kevin McCarthy, Thaddeus McCotter, Devin Nunes, Mike Pence, Chip Pickering, Todd Platts, Ted Poe, Jon Porter, Tom Price, Adam Putnam, Bill Sali, John Shadegg, John Shimkus, Adrian Smith, Mike Turner, Tim Walberg, Greg Walden, and Lynn Westmoreland.


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In Case You Missed It: Congress is gone, but Republicans won't leave

Posted by: Brown Staff (August 01, 2008, 04:54 PM)

“The microphones were off, the House had stopped TV feeds to C-Span and the lights dimmed after the pre-noon vote to adjourn for the August recess. That didn't deter Republicans, who one after another rose to demand that Congress stay in session until it does something about high gas prices.”

Associated Press
1 hour ago

WASHINGTON — The last House vote before a vacation usually sparks a stampede toward the doors and waiting planes. Not so Friday, when Republicans occupied the House floor for a rare, and at times bizarre, protest against Democratic energy policies.

The microphones were off, the House had stopped TV feeds to C-Span and the lights dimmed after the pre-noon vote to adjourn for the August recess. That didn't deter Republicans, who one after another rose to demand that Congress stay in session until it does something about high gas prices.

Unlike a normal session where the rules of decorum are strictly enforced, GOP lawmakers and their aides who filled the chamber clapped, chanted, gave standing ovations and booed the Democrats.

"Madame Speaker, where art thou?" shouted out Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, in a glancing rhetorical shot at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. "Where oh where has Congress gone?"

It was a rare treat for tourists. Republicans invited many, in their shorts and sandals, into the chamber, usually strictly off-limits, to better hear the revivalist-like speeches.

Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., one of the organizers of the protest, said up to 40 of his fellow Republicans were prepared to keep the talk-in going. "I am prepared to stay here as long as we can," he said.

Republicans are angry that Democrats blocked them from a vote on allowing more off-shore oil drilling and increasing domestic oil supplies.

Democrats have faulted Republicans for obstructing their efforts to stop market speculation, press oil companies to develop the leases they have and force the president to release oil from the strategic petroleum reserve. The result is that Congress is leaving town without a comprehensive energy bill.

NOTE. Access this article online by clicking here.

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UPDATED: Congressman Brown and other House Republicans Revolt on Floor after House Democrats Skip Town without Vote to Lower Energy Prices

Posted by: Brown Staff (August 01, 2008, 03:33 PM)

UPDATE [4:38pm]...Congressman Brown spoke to the assembled tourists, House staffers, and reporters that were sitting in the seats that are generally taken by Members of Congress when the House is in official session.  We should have his prepared statement posted soon.  Republican Member after Republican Member is speaking about the need for action on energy prices.  Republican Leadership also sent a letter to the Speaker asking that the House be called back into session to deal with our nation's energy crisis.

Congressman Brown and other House Republicans are staying on the House floor talking about the need to hold a vote on real solutions to high energy prices.  Unfortunately, the cameras, lights, and microphones are turned off, but you can read more about it here:

The Politico: No Light, No Problem for the House GOP

House Majority Leader Bohener: House GOP Floor Revolt Continues After Dems Skip Town Without Vote to Lower Gas Prices

Washington Post: "We are speaking without microphones - as though it were 1908 - acoustics of House chamber are good and gallery and you can hear us" - Congressman John Culberson

More on this as things develop...

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Taking to the House Floor to Discuss Our Nation's Energy Crisis

Posted by: Henry E. Brown (July 16, 2008, 03:30 PM)

This morning, during the one-minute speeches that occur before the House starts its business for the day, I came to the House floor to discuss the need for Congress to act on solutions to our nation's energy crisis.  You can view the floor statement below:

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Today's Presidential Announcement Regarding American Energy Production

Posted by: Brown Staff (July 14, 2008, 01:58 PM)

Click through to view the video of today's Rose Garden Press Conference.  You can read the Memorandum for the Secretary of the Interior here.

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In Case you Missed It: Momentum Grows for Energy Solutions (Charleston Regional Business Journal)

Posted by: Henry E. Brown (July 11, 2008, 03:10 PM)

Hope everyone is having an enjoyable Friday.  As talk up here in Washington continues on our nation’s energy challenge and the need to find solutions, I wanted to make sure you saw a recent article in the Charleston Regional Business Journal about how momentum is growing for more domestic energy production and exploration, as well as nuclear, renewables, and other alternative fuels.  An important fact from the story that debunks claims from those who don’t want any American energy production: in order to be seen 100 miles offshore, energy infrastructure would have to be the height of 5 and a half Empire State buildings.  At 23 miles, a standard rig disappears from view.

Here is the link to the story online:  You can also view a PDF version here.

Have a great weekend!

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